
Anchor Landmark Missionary Baptist Church welcomes YOU!
Thank You for taking an interest in Anchor Landmark Missionary Baptist Church. We hope that you find this website helpful and informative. Our goal as a local New Testament Church is to instruct people on how to have a close personal relationship with God
The first step in a relationship with God is to know Jesus Christ as Savior. Someday, Jesus is going to return to this earth to set up His Kingdom. All perfect people are invited to be a part of this kingdom. Since, however, the Bible tells us in Romans 3:10 “… there is none righteous, no, not one:” NONE of us are perfect enough to be with God. This is why Jesus came to earth the first time. He lived a perfect life, and then paid the consequence of sin which is death. (Romans 6:23) When YOU admit that YOU are a sinner and trust in faith that Jesus took YOUR place on the cross, you can ask God to forgive YOU of YOUR sins and receive Eternal Life.
So the ABC’s of eternal life are:
- Admitting YOU are a Sinner.
- Believing Christ Died for YOU.
- Confessing YOUR sins and asking God to forgive YOU.
It’s that simple!
Once you pray to God for salvation, you receive Eternal Life that can never be taken away. At that point, however, you are expected by God to grow in your faith and carry out the commands of your Savior Jesus Christ. We at Anchor Landmark would like to help you with this. Our Mission Statement says it all, “Helping People Find and Develop a Relationship with God.”
Thank You for visiting our site, and we’d love to have you visit in our services! Please feel free to reach out to us using our “Contact Us” information.